Womens Days Celebration by Vishwankur News

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Womens Days Celebration : will be celebrated during the week. Health checkup was organized on 9th March courtesy Mrs. Surekha Madam and Vishwankur News. Award ceremony was celebrated by Vishwankur News.

Womens Days Celebration

Vishwankur News is celebrating Women’s Day throughout this week like Medical Checkup on 9th some images of which

Mr. Sungandharao showed the path of women. 

Prize Distribution by : Vishwankur Edition

Upcoming Holi Event presented by : Vishwankur Edition

here is some Video regarding the event


Pawar Madam Addressing to people on the Prize Distribution Event by Vishankur Edition 

Suresh Pawar Saheb was welcomed by Adv. Jalpa Madam and Mr. Sugandharao.


Viswankur Edition was also started Acting & Short Film Making Please contact for Regarding. Also started Audition for singer.

Contact us  : Mr. Sugandhrao : 86551 33756

On 10th March Mumbai Races

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